Talk Felix von Leitner

Closing Note: Why generic security solutions fail


Modern software development emphasizes flexibility over rigidity. Agile assumes that not only the developers but even the customer does not understand initially what they actually need. That only becomes clear during development, as the project matures.

Security is about rigidity. Find out what exactly the software needs to do, and then make sure alarms go off and access is denied if it ever tries to do anything else.

This is the fundamental problem holding security back. We need to find a fundamental approach to solving it.


We all love fefe’s blog. You can rely on getting straight opinions no matter what. When we asked him to give a talk about the biggest security surprises the last months he said: there are no surprises for security experts, only faults of people not following the advice of experts. We really look forward to Felix’ clear opinion as the closing talk of mcttp 2023.

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