Ralf Engelschall

Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall


Software Architect, Author, Co-Founder Apache Software Foundation, Co-Founder OpenSSL Project, Programmer of multiple GNU, Linux and FreeBSD Tools

Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall is a 50-years old Computer Scientist, Lecturer, Author, Developer, Founder, and Leader.

For over three decades, he is an active member of the Open Source Software (OSS) community. He is one of the founders of the Apache Software Foundation, and the OpenSSL and OpenPKG projects. Besides being a contributor to FreeBSD, RPM, and many more OSS projects, he is especially the author of hundreds of OSS components. His most prominent developments include the popular Apache mod_rewrite and mod_ssl extensions, the GNU Portable Threads, and GNU Portable Shell Tool, and the OpenPKG cross-platform Unix software packaging facility.

As Director of msg Research at msg systems AG, CEO of SEA Software Engineering Academy gGmbH, CEO of OpenPKG GmbH, and lecturer at Technical University of Munich (TUM), he has over 30 years of experience in the Software Engineering industry and university contexts. His personal sticking horses are Technology Trends, Software & System Architecture, Software Engineering Methodology, Unix Operating System, Software Packaging & Deployment, Multimedia Didactics, and Video Broadcasting.




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